Waterman supports drive for new planning system that embeds climate resilience and delivers net zero communities

15 June 2023

Waterman has signed the UKGBC’s open letter to the Prime Minister alongside over a hundred leading businesses, calling for the UK planning system to be brought in line with the Climate Change and Environment Acts.

The current system does not provide a consistent approach to handling climate change and environmental considerations, creating delays, costs, and legal challenges. With limited time left to amend the Levelling Up Bill, our window of opportunity is closing, and the built environment sector needs a reliable and consistent planning system to enable sustainable development without delay.

Commenting on the initiative, Neil Humphrey, Waterman’s COO, said: “Our industry is primed to deliver the climate resilient, sustainable communities and infrastructure the UK needs, but all too often we’re held back by inconsistencies in the planning system. If we are to deliver a net zero built environment which also addresses the needs of Britain’s nature, we need the government to act now, so we urge them to take decisive action to ensure a greener future for the nation.”

Learn more about the letter and our fellow signatories here.
