Flood Risk and Drainage

The impacts of the climate emergency are now more prevalent than ever, with extreme weather events and flooding on the rise.

Our team of flood risk experts is helping deliver a climate-resilient future for communities, infrastructure and businesses across the UK. We provide support throughout the full project lifecycle, partnering with you from the outset to give specialist input for everything from site acquisitions and planning applications, through to stakeholder engagement, designs and construction site supervision, training and expert witness services.

Our in-house team includes specialists within the flood risk, drainage, hydrology, civil engineering, ecology, landscape architecture and arboriculture fields, along with scientists and CDM principal designers.

We take a collaborative approach, allowing us to deliver multifaceted projects in an extremely effective manner, whilst addressing the most technically challenging water issues seen within the built and natural environments.

We are truly passionate about delivering optimum outcomes for people and the planet, and this sees us incorporating nature-based solutions within our low carbon, ecologically-sensitive, sustainability-focused designs and advice.

Key Services


Flood Economics, Funding and Engagement
Flood Risk Assessment
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
Sequential Test for Flood Risk
Exception Test for Flood Risk
Flood Risk Hydraulic Modelling
Flood Mitigation
Hydrological Assessment
Climate Change and Flood Adaption Resilience
Overland Flood Exceedance
Flood Defence
Rivers, Watercourses and Culverts


Surveying and Monitoring Management
SuDS Strategy
SuDS Retrofitting Works
Foul and Surface Water Drainage Strategy
Building, Highway and Infrastructure Drainage
Landscape and Sport Pitch Drainage
Temporary Drainage Works
Public Sewer Works
Pumping Station Works
Small Wastewater Works


Green Blue Infrastructure
Nature Based Solution
Integrated Water Management
Water Sensitive Design
Water Quality inc. Neutrality
Water Balance, Reuse and Net Zero
Water Resources
Groundwater Appraisal
Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology
Smart Water Strategy
Non-Potable Water Strategy
Irrigation Strategy
Flood and Drainage EIA

Find Out more…

Key Contact

Based in strategic locations around the UK, our expert water team is supporting projects across every sector, helping unlock the potential of even the most challenging site.

Rob Forsyth
Technical Director,
National Water Lead,
Infrastructure and

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