Civic Trust Awards: Grange Primary School

Published 30th August 2022

Grange Primary School in Southwark was Highly Commended at the 2020 Civic Trust Awards. With 115 national and international entries selected as Regional Finalists, winning schemes represent outstanding architecture, planning and design in the built environment across 18 categories, with Grange Primary School being commended for the Greater London region.

The school, which dates back to the Victorian era, underwent a major refurbishment to create an improved school entrance and increase its capacity for an additional 105 pupil places. Its new structure included tasteful brick cladding that blends in with the surrounding residential properties whilst new characteristic pavilions house modern kitchen, nursery, library, staff offices and schoolhouse facilities, including new satellite classrooms, on the street front. The new buildings were constructed in a CLT structural frame with pitched roofs and a double-height Albert McKenzie dining hall provides enhanced dining facilities as well as allowing more space for the school to congregate for assembly.

Working closely with the architect, Maccreanor Lavington, Waterman provided structural engineering and building services design for the scheme, and collaborated with the design team to carefully plan and coordinate the early design stages.

To view the full list of winning projects, please click here.
