Liverpool Ferry Terminals

Published 23rd August 2022

Liverpool Cruise Terminal

We assisted Liverpool City Council (LCC) in achieving outline planning permission for the new Liverpool Cruise Terminal at the former Princes Jetty. Located close to the ‘Three Graces’ at Pier Head within the internationally renowned heritage setting in the heart of the Port of Liverpool, this site was also part of the Liverpool Maritime UNESCO World Heritage site at the time of the scheme.

The new Cruise Liner Terminal was designed to cater for growth in the Cruise Sector and accommodates much larger ships at an increased frequency. The development includes a new terminal building, parking for coaches, taxis and cars along with landscaped areas. The terminal building itself is built over two floors above a new suspended deck structure constructed over the River Mersey. The development also offered an opportunity to improve and enhance the townscape character of the site and reinforce the maritime character of the city centre.

Our team delivered an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and prepared an Environmental Statement (ES) in consultation with the LCC Planning Department and the Marine Management Organisation. In support of this, we provided a range of supporting technical studies, including air quality, noise and vibration, townscape and visual impact, archaeology, built heritage, ornithology, marine and terrestrial ecology, ground conditions and contamination, coastal processes, sediment transport and sediment contamination. In addition, our specialists also delivered the flood risk assessment and drainage strategy, habitats regulations assessment screening report and a Water Framework Directive scoping report. As well as supporting the application for planning permission, the EIA also supported applications for a Marine Licence and a Harbour Revision Order for the development.

Ecological mitigation measures were key to the success of this project, with particular focus on ensuring that the Mersey’s population of cormorants were protected during demolition, construction and operation of the development. In support of this, a floating pontoon designed to RSPB specifications has been installed in a nearby dock to provide alternative habitat for cormorants to ensure adverse impacts are avoided.

Isle of Man Ferry Terminal

The Isle of Man Government’s new ferry terminal at Liverpool’s Princes Half Tide Dock replaced the existing outdated terminal, providing enhanced facilities and loading for ferry crossings to and from Douglas on the Isle of Man.

The new ferry terminal includes a two-storey terminal building with associated external access road, vehicles queuing lanes, drop-off areas, taxis and cars parking areas, passengers access systems, linkspan bridge, pontoon and other marine structures. The new ferry terminal has created a ‘Universal Berth’ capable of accommodating vessels of up to 140m length.

Our team undertook the EIA and ES in consultation with the Liverpool City Council and the Marine Management Organization (MMO). This included providing a range of supporting technical assessments, including socio-economics, traffic and transport, air quality, noise and vibration, townscape and visual impact, built heritage, archaeology, geology and soils, water and sediment quality, flood risk, ornithology and marine ecology.

Our specialists also provided multiple supporting studies, including flood risk assessment, habitats regulations assessment screening report, Water Framework Directive Scoping, historic environment desk-based assessment, International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) statement and transport assessment.

Client: Liverpool City Council/Isle of Man Government
