London Borough of Southwark Framework

Published 23rd August 2022

Our specialists are supporting the management and design of key infrastructure assets across the London Borough of Southwark through their Highways Professional Services Framework Contract. This appointment sees our team providing specialist bridge and structural engineering services for schemes across Southwark.

The framework runs for an initial five years, with the option of further extensions, and covers the inspection, management and design of structures across the 332 km of the Southwark Borough highway network. This is an important part of Southwark’s strategic aspiration to maintain a thriving, sustainable community with good services and facilities within a short walk or cycle.
We have a long-standing partnership with the Borough and have supported economic, environmental and social regeneration in the area for many years. Delivering social value is a key priority, and our team are working closely with Southwark to help grow employment, improve education and increase diversity in engineering through this contract.

Our team has delivered several projects through the Framework, including the inspection and appraisal of refurbishment options for Cox’s Walk Footbridge in Dulwich’s Sydenham Hill Woods. The footbridge was in poor condition and was closed to the public as it was in an unsafe state. The damage included significant cracks to the abutments, rotting timber and missing timber sections. Our specialists carried out an independent review and worked with the project team to recommend refurbishment options aiming to keep the surrounding mature trees undisturbed.

We examined the existing information to identify the project constraints and establish possible causes for the defects noted on the footbridge abutments. Our review included consultation with our geotechnical team to identify specific risks and areas requiring further investigation. Our arboriculture specialists also gave key recommendations to reduce risk to the trees.

In addition, we reviewed the refurbishment options previously considered and explored less intrusive strengthening options to the abutments, followed by consultation with specialist suppliers. The review was carried out considering technical viability, construction methodology – including site access – and potential for retention of the trees and surrounding foliage.

Client: London Borough of Southwark
