Contaminated Land Assessment

As the demand for development plots rises to suit the growing requirement for new homes, brownfield sites represent a valuable resource for regeneration. However, these sites often have complicated pasts and require remediation to unlock their potential.

Our contaminated land specialists provide strategic advice at all stages of a project, enabling our clients to bring contaminated sites back into sustainable use.

Harnessing the latest risk assessment techniques, we advise on site remediation strategies and technologies to deliver ‘smart’, cost effective and pragmatic solutions to reduce environmental liability and maximise value.

Our holistic service incorporates multidisciplinary engineering expertise to deliver optimum levels of advice at each project stage, helping to create effective solutions through all stages of the site’s acquisition and development.

Our deep experience spans an extensive range of contaminated sites, including former gas works, chemical and industrial sites, landfills and inner-city brownfield land. We take a bespoke, innovative and commercially minded approach, which is backed by site monitoring to deliver dependable validation, verification and aftercare planning.

Key Services

We provide expert land quality consultancy services at all stages of a site’s life-cycle from pre-acquisition to disposal. Our services include:

Portfolio due diligence and risk screening
Contaminated land advice through all stages of the planning process
Bespoke desktop studies
Bespoke ground gas and vapour risk assessments
Compliance auditing and monitoring
Comprehensive ground investigations to support site disposal, planning, remediation and detailed design
Ground investigation procurement and administration
Detailed quantitative risk assessment
Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
Remediation monitoring and validation
Waste recovery permit applications for reuse of soils on former landfill sites
Expert witness services
Generic and detailed quantitative risk assessment using the latest models and guidance to evaluate liabilities accurately and cost effectively
Geotechnical assessment and reporting
Groundwater, ground gas and vapour monitoring
Land condition records

Materials Management Plans
NPPF and EPA Part 2a specialist
Asbestos in soils risk assessment and management services
Remediation technology options appraisal and design
Remediation contract management and resident engineer services
Specification of ground gas and vapour protection measures
Verification reports to facilitate discharge of contaminated land planning conditions
Foundation works risk assessments for piling to facilitate discharge of planning conditions
Materials management advice, hazard assessments and waste classification

Find Out more…

Key Contact

Contaminated Land

Based in key locations around the UK, our team of Contaminated Land experts is providing specialist support for schemes across every sector.

Lara Knapman
Technical Director and
National EIA Lead

Dr Ankit Singh

Chris Gell

Chris Gell
Technical Director

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